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How it works

Page Summary

find out how you can use the Ask Parliament mobile app to raise your concerns to Members of Parliament, including searching for existing questions, publishing your own question and upvoting existing questions. This page also has a frequently asked questions sections at the end of the page.


Ask Parliament

A mobile phone app that makes it easy for you to gather support for a question and direct it to where it has the best chance of getting answered by an MP.


You can easily search for topics of interest and sort results by relevance, popularity or date.

Search before you publish a new question – if your question already exists, simply up-vote it to raise its importance and visibility to MPs.

This function is especially useful for researchers, journalists and students who want to discover the most pressing issues in the community.

You can voice your opinion on any question by either up-voting to show support or down-voting a question to indicate it’s not important or relevant for you. OR, you can simply read the most popular questions without taking action.


Why not search for and up-vote questions asked by the Ask Parliament community? This function is focused on raising the popularity of a question and making it more visible to MPs.

  • You can easily up-vote any number of questions that you support.
  • You will be notified when a response to the question has been posted.

Increase the popularity of a question by SHARING it via our link with other people who care about the same issue or who are influential in the Ask Parliament community and can increase question visibility.


Publishing a question allows you to raise an issue that directly affects you or your loved ones, your community, or is a broader social, political, environmental or economic issue.

Through Ask Parliament, your question can be directed to:

  • Your local MP - there’s a handy in-app MP search tool.
  • Another MP.
  • A committee - such as Senate estimates.
  • A public authority by tagging them in your question.

Questions with more up-votes are more likely to receive a reply. See the FAQs section below for tips on crafting an effective question and garnering support.


MP can search for the most popular questions directed to them.

  • If the MP doesn’t reply, you may need to get more up-votes to increase its visibility.
  • You will be notified when the MP or recipient has replied to your question.
  • As the author of the question, you can assess their response. Anyone who up-voted your question will also be able to view the reply.

Green thumb for questions answer successfully, note pad with pen for partially answered questions, pad with a cross for questions not answered satisfactorily.



Man at computer

What’s the electorate talking about?

Quickly and easily see the most popular (most up-voted) questions in your electorate or across Australia – all from your phone.
No more manually reconciling lots of individual email topics!
Get fast and accurate information based on an electorate’s hottest topics with up-vote tally and percentages.
Have the stats and the information needed to support a cause.

What are the most pressing community issues?

Find out what are the issues behind the most up-voted questions and how they can be addressed.
Find unexpected support for issues that are important to you.
Benefit from access to experts on technical or niche subjects who can help you ask the best questions when it counts.

People at sunset

What do Australians care about?

Sometimes the voice of lobbyists and corporations are the loudest, resulting in policies that don’t always represent or benefit voters.
Easily search popular topics to find out what the electorate really cares about.
MPs - be the democratic leader who really listens to and fights for the needs of the people. Earn respect from the people you represent.

The Ask Parliament app will be available soon.

Download from Google Play Store Download from the Apple Store

Frequently Asked Questions

App Screenshot - up-voting questions

Yes, absolutely! You can up-vote for all the questions that are important to you.


Be specific – “How does the Australian Tax Office verify the accuracy of information provided by companies claiming Job-Keeper?”

“What claw-back mechanisms are in place to recover funds paid to companies that did not experience a fall in turnover?”

App Screenshot - publishing a question

“When will the car park that you promised at the last election be built in [suburb]?”

“How many recommendations from the XYZ Royal Commission will be implemented by the government in the next 5 years?”



Don’t be broad – “why was x program such a rort?”

App Screenshot - Direct my question to an MP or search for one

You can easily select to direct your question to:

– Your local MP

– Another MP

– A parliamentary committee such as Senate estimates

– A journalist or a Ask Parliament user (tag their handle)

– A public authority

No problem – Ask Parliament has a “Find my electorate” lookup feature in which we send your address to Geoscape (a location service jointly owned by state and federal Australian governments) to find out your electorate. The address is never stored by Ask Parliament.


App Screenshot - find my electorate search tool App Screenshot of Electorate Found App Screenshot - My MP's

You can allow others to add a tag or direct it if you’re not sure.

Simply click the share question button to spread the word online or copy and paste the web link (every question has a unique web link) to your email, phone message or other messaging app.

Share with people, groups or organisations who may support your question.

Encourage them to up-vote your question and to share the link widely.

Down-vote to dismiss a question indicates that you have read the question, and deem it irrelevant or unimportant to you.

Down-votes are implemented in the interest of balance, so that it demonstrates both how many people are interested, and how many are not interested in a question. This makes sure the results are more broadly representative of as many people as possible.

Down-votes and up-vote ratios can give a clearer picture of a question’s importance.

The power of Ask Parliament lies within a specific question gaining lots of up-votes, so it’s highly visible to MPs to action.

If one specific question is published 20 times by 20 different users, the up-votes will be spread across 20 questions and as such will have less visibility or popularity and has less chance of being actioned.

This is another reason the share question function is so valuable.  Up-voting for a question that you want to ask is more powerful than repeating the question.

Yes!  The app will notify you. You can always manage notifications in your phone settings if you like.

Active engagement and democratic empowerment

Ask Parliament empowers everyone to actively and positively engage in the democratic process with ease, giving power to the people to voice their concerns. Play your part making your community even better.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

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